Owner’s Update | A Letter from Jake Wheeler
The definition of friendship sure has changed a lot over the years. Not that long ago, to be friends meant that you would go to dinner with someone. Maybe, you’d watch a ballgame together and grill on your barbecue pit. You might even take road trips or vacations together.
Today, friendship has taken on additional factors. Now, you carry your friend’s phone number in your cell phone at all times. You might text each other a few times a week (or for younger people—a few times a day). And of course, there’s social media! The Internet has changed everything about the world, including how you define your friends.
Facebook is one of the fastest growing websites on the planet. It’s increasingly difficult to find people who are NOT on Facebook. That’s not a surprise when you hear that more than a billion people have joined.
At WIREONE, we’re taking part in the Facebook revolution. In fact, if you’re not friends with us already, please, do so! You can connect with us HERE.
By following us on Facebook, it allows you to interact with our company whenever you like by pressing a few buttons on your keyboard or mobile phone. So, if you have a problem that’s developing with your electrical system, and you’re not sure what’s going on, shoot us a message. We can tell you if it’s serious. Also, you can leave comments about our service after one of our friendly technicians visits your home! We want to make sure all of our clients are always 100% satisfied!
There are benefits to friending us on Facebook, too — we post home-safety and energy-saving tips. You’ll also notice that we include special discounts and coupons that you can redeem! At WIREONE, we’re trying to connect with you and our other clients as much as possible to try and enhance the already high level of service we deliver.
The next time you’re online, look us up on Facebook! We don’t only want to be your service provider we want to be your friend!
Jake Wheeler
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